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The number of times that Legislators and their staffers have said, "We don't hear about prison issues from our constituents" is too numerous to count.




For those of you who have been writing and calling your officials, keep it up and get others to join you!


Here is an easy way to write. Click the button below for an action letter that connects you with your personal Senators and Representatives based on your address. You can use this letter that is prepared for you or edit this letter, telling your loved one's story. 



Here are a few more tips:

  • Keep contacting your Senators and Representatives. Most offices keep a tally of the number of calls or complaints they receive on the same topic. So every phone call and letter helps! However, our Governor has been silent on this topic, so we are suggesting that you target Governor Abbott and Lieutenant Governor Dan Patrick.

  • Tell your story (keep it about 1 page, bullet points are always good, be meaningful, be respectful, and stick to the facts). Let them know how disappointed you are that last session's bills didn't pass and ask them for their support for the 2023 Legislative Session.

  • Be sure to include the words "8th Amendment violation/civil rights violation" in your letters. People tend to pay more attention when they see the Constitution has been violated.

  • Keep in mind that the e-mails you send will only remain in their inbox for six weeks before being deleted, so consider sending both e-mail and snail-mail.


Do you need ideas for a personalized letter? Do you have friends that want to help but don't know how? Send them the TAKE ACTION link above or print the letters below, have them sign their name, and mail them to their Senators and Representatives. 


To see our letters and letter templates click on the boxes below.

Take Action newest Every Action button Dec 2023.png

Texas Prisons Community Advocate
P.O. Box 1974
Fulton, TX 78358

Click here to find
your legislators.

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© 2023 by Texas Prisons Community Advocates

Texas Prisons Community Advocates (TPCA) Inc. is a 501(3)(c) - exempt organization. Contributions are tax-deductible to the fullest extent allowed by law. Please make checks payable to “TPCA” or “Texas Prisons Community Advocates”. Please send checks to TPCA PO Box 1974 Fulton, TX 78358

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