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Our work
TPCA is very proud of our Cooling Towel donation campaign. Thanks to our fabulous donors, 4000 cooling towels have been donated to indigent incarcerated Texas Citizens as October 2023.

Informed by Impacted Persons
Through newsletters ( which include op-eds from incarcerated persons) , mail correspondence and surveys we stay informed by those with lived experience. The incarcerated mediator team has been hard at work, responding to and facilitating the help that people need, and they will continue to serve the needs of the incarcerated.
The impacts on incarceration on the family unit is often times ignored. TPCA assist this vulnerable population by educating, providing safe non judgmental spaces, and resources to assist in their advocacy journey. We stay in constant communication with directly impacted Family members through our Family and Friends mediators, surveys and polls, and support and advocacy groups.

Grassroots Organizing
Our grassroots organizing is all inclusive as we believe that the public must be informed and encouraged to participate in bringing about a much needed change.
In 2023 we launched our I'm Affected campaign to demonstrate that ALL of society is affected by mass incarceration.
2023 we re-branded our extreme temperature campaign (Beat the Heat) with the assistance of students from University of Colorado, Boulder to the "85 to Stay Alive" campaign.
For a more realist experience of extreme heat and in collaboration with our allies, we continue to bring our heated Mock Cell and Prison conditions banner Exhibit throughout the State of Texas during the summer months to places such as the Texas Capitol, A&M College Station and St. Mary's University, San Antonio
Of course we love engaging with the leaders of tomorrow with those classroom visits, workshops, and paneling events.
Through our virtual classes, trips to the Capitol, opportunities to participate in advocacy events, and participation in volunteer efforts we continue to empower and train impacted family member to advocate for their incarcerated loved ones on multiple levels.

Be Frank for Justice 85 to Stay Alive Prayer Vigils
Building Community
Incarceration has taken the lives of many of our community members. We sharing in hope and mourning with our community through group meetings, events and giving to the community

Supportive Meet and Greets

Legislative Work
Through the amplification of those who are directly impacted TPCA continues to bring awareness to our legislators regarding the truth of about what is happening behind "those walls" as well as how mass incarceration affects all Texans. Our work with policy makers has has assisted in the development legislation towards our agenda items. During the legislative sessions (86th, 87th & 88th), TPCA worked with legislators to create Air Conditioning bills, which passed the Texas House of Representatives with a bipartisan vote majority votes (2021 & 2023), yet unfortunately died in the Senate. Our work also includes advocating for more humane conditions in transporting incarcerated women , Compassionate Release, Solitary Confinement, Second Lookers, and Law of Parties.
TPCA continues to partner with FAMM on the #VisitAPrison Challenge to encourage our legislators to show up unannounced, talk to population members, and find out what is really going on in their district's prisons. We have received news that several Texas legislators have visited, and we hope to encourage more to go #VisitAPrison.

Research Collaboration
TPCA has been blessed to work in partnership with some GREAT people in the academic world participating by co-authoring and collaborating on a variety of written projects and events.
We have continued to work with Dr. Carlee Purdum and Dr. Benika Dixon of Texas A&M, crunching the data and co-authoring the Extreme Heat and Covid-19 in Texas Prisons report.
Co-authored a report with Dr. Julianne Skarah called Provision of Air Conditioning and Heat-Related Mortality in Texas Prisons which found that "an average of 14 deaths per year between 2001 to 2019 were associated with heat in Texas prisons without AC vs no deaths associated with heat in prisons with AC."
We also proud co-founders of CIRCol Collective which invites researchers from various disciplines to utilize their expertise to address inhumane conditions throughout the U.S. As a community partner TPCA is very pleased to have participated in CIRCol's first symposium in held 2023.
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