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 Texas Prisons Community Advocates (TPCA) is happy you are here!   Please take a good look around to see how you can be a part of the change by GETTING  INVOLVED. TPCA educates the general public about inhumane prison conditions through social media and events. So don't forget the RESEARCH LIBRARY. There is so much information there to help you advocate for CHANGE in the Texas prison system.

Our Priorities

Changing Inhumane  carceral Conditions

For far too long the carceral system has been treating human beings as if they are not human. TPCA believes that no person should have to endure torturous heat, contaminated water, nutritiously lacking food, or medical indifference. 

Did you know that 70% of Texas prisons don't have full  Air Conditioning?

Well now you do. Learn more about how HOT is really gets in a Texas prison cell.

Click here for more information

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Texas Prisons Community Advocates, INC joined in the lawsuit as plaintiffs asks the U.S. District Court to declare TDCJ's prison policy unconstitutional and order that Texas state prisons maintain temperatures between 65 and 85 degrees. 

"Let's ensure that no one else — inmates or corrections officers — suffers these inhumane conditions," filmmaker Richard Linklater 

"Texas needs to treat this matter with urgency" Dr. Amite Dominick, TPCA President and Founder"  .

“Letting people suffer or die in prisons because of dangerous temperatures disregards our basic humanity,” says
Dean Williams, who previously served as Executive Director of the Colorado Department of Corrections and commissioner of the Alaska Department of Corrections. “Cooling prisons to safe temperatures . . . is the only long-term solution that does not compromise the safety and lives of prisoners and staff.”

For more information click the link below


Incarcerated citizens are often being completely denied medical care or receiving horrifically  inadequate care.



End Solitary Confinement

TPCA believes that the practice of solitary confinement is morally wrong, mentally debilitating, social stunting and the use of it must be substantially reduced.

Compassionate Release  

TPCA believes that population members should be compassionalty released to the care of their family in their final days. People with terminal illnesses are not a threat to society. Furthermore recidivism rates as a person age decrease while the cost of their care increases. 

Law of Parties

Join us as we work to educate the public, our lawmakers, and other affected families about this law. We MUST all step together to end this injustice and create a remedy for those who have already been unconstitutionally convicted. 

Support for Impacted Families

Impacted family member suffer along with their incarcerated loved ones in many ways.  Often times they are stigmatized, shamed, and bear the financial burden of incarceration. We are here for you! TPCA educates and trains impacted families to advocate for their incarcerated loved ones. Need help advocating for your impacted Loved One? Check out our resources for impacted family members.

Take Action Now!

For more ways that you can TAKE ACTION please check out our Get Involved page and campaigns

As part of the state's strategic planning process, TDCJ is conducting a customer satisfaction survey. This happens every  every two years. Don't wait until it's too late to respond to this Survey

Help us provide cooling towels for indigent incarcerated persons.

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The Sunset Advisory Commission wants to hear for you!

The Sunset Advisory Commission reviews state agencies every 10-12 years for its efficiency. Currently the Commission is reviewing the  performance and mission adherence of the Texas Department of Criminal Justice (TDCJ), Correctional Managed Health Care Committee, Board of Pardons and Paroles, and Texas Department of Criminal Justice Windham School District. As part of the process,  public comments on whether the agency is still needed, concerns over the operational efficacy,  and recommendations to improve its operations and services are essential.  

You can  submit comments and suggestions to Sunset staff by:

Don't wait or procrastinate! Provide your comments now, to ensure Sunset staff can fully consider your input while conducting their review. Comments submitted before the staff report is published in September 2024 will remain confidential.

Sign up for e-mail alerts on the Sunset staff report and the Sunset Commission’s public meetings by visiting the Texas Sunset Advisory Commission .

Visit A Prison

We work with lawmakers and policymakers to create positive change in the Texas prison system. TPCA, in partnership with FAMM, asks you to challenge your state and federal legislators to #VisitAPrison. "They don't know until they go".

Click on the button below to be directed to a letter action that will be sent to your state and federal legislators. This letter is editable if you would like to add a personal message. 

After you send your letter, take a look at the family guide for more ideas on how you can help spread the word, convince legislators to #VisitAPrison, and make a difference for those that are incarcerated. This issue of prison conditions needs a powerful united voice if a change is to be made for our loved ones. 

Upcoming Events

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